MAN (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG)
In the early 19th century MAN developed the Dieselmotor.
Besides tractors and lorries also war machinery is produced.
During the Second World War MAN plant in N"rnberg was often targeted by heavy bombing, as 40% of all Panther tanks built in Germany were built there.
Since the founding of the German Army Bundeswehr MAN is one of its main suppliers of military vehicles.
In the middle of the 1970s a contract to built about 8600 different commercial and partly militarized trucks,
as well as some vehicles especially developed for the military was given to MAN.
These trucks were then replaced with improved models step by step.
Today MAN still produces nearly all vehicles of the fleet of the Bunderwehr.
During the last years the company concentrates on its core branches:
Utility Vehicles, Industrial Services, Printing Systems, Diesel Engines and Turbo Machines.
Production for the military became more important — the respective "Military Division" of MAN is not so easy to find on the Internet though.
The branch responsible, the MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, prides itself on being the "leader in developing and building military trucks".
The "Military Division" supplies the Ministries of Defense of 150 states all around the globe and endows 44 national armies with military trucks.
Nearly all of the highly manoeuverable trucks of EUROCORPS stem from MAN.
With the contract to build 7200 special "support vehicle" for the British Army in 2005 MAN advanced to the position of a world leading military supplier.
Besides trucks for general tasks of transport and infrastructure — like the transfer of persons and material, of pontoon bridges,
or transmitter masts — MAN also builds vehicles for especially military assignments.
There are fire engines able to recover big weapons systems, special superstructures for the accelerated shipping of so called goods of mass
consumption — artillery ammunition is mentioned to give an example — trucks to transport ROLAND and PATRIOT missiles, and others to shunt Tornado, Phantom and Eurofighters.
"Following the new threats" as it is neatly put in their presentation, MAN advances further to the front:
In cooperation with the tank builder Krauss Maffei Wegmann KMW the company had developed an armoured truck that has been deployed to Kosovo for some years now,
and that will be delivered to various European armies in great quantities now.
The SX45 8x8 offers a Level III protected cabin (resisting the detonation of an 8 kg Mine) and an automatic combat station.
The vehicles are equipped with the Fleet Management System Telematics, establishing full compatibility for net centered warfare of the centuries to come.
Therefore it is not hard to understand why MAN got into the focus of people who think about rendering harmless war materials.
Right now 7 persons in Berlin are accused under section 129 of having formed a criminal alliance "militante gruppe (mg)".
Three of them are said to have tried to burn several trucks of the Bundeswehr on a company site of MAN in the city of Brandenburg.
The bill of indictment was handed over now by the Chief Federal Prosecutor (BAW), the lawsuit is expected to be opened in court this autumn.
For the supporting solidarity groups anit-militarism is the central point, as the destruction of war materials is seen as self-determined disarmament
Because MAN is not simply building cars, but millionfold profits from war and occupation.
summary: MAN